Thursday, March 12, 2009

change of heart... again..

I must be driving you all crazy.. I am driving myself crazy lol
We went to the house tonight, and was lucky enough to catch our painter still there.. 
He let us in.. and when we saw the tiles all grouted we were shocked.. they didnt look too bad at all.. not as nice as the ones we have now chosen, but nice enough that we have decided to hold off buying the new tiles, and see how the house looks over all when its complete. 
Our Ensuite(all covered in plastic from the painters)..
The kids shower area.. 
Our splashback is now in the kitchen.. love it!  Notice anything else???? 
Our benchtop is in!!!!  I am sooooo excited! It is THE one thing I have been dying to see.. love it love it love it :)
Oh! and we have once again, changed our mind on our carpet.. We are now going for the lighter brown one.. Below is pictured (in our new bedroom) the darker one that we were going to go with yesterday, and the lighter that we have chosen now... its not beige at least! lol This sample was actually out of the shop (someone borrowed it as we have now).. so today is the first day we have seen it.. I still love the dark one more, but its not very practical.. The lighter one (called Weathered Acorn) is still gorgeous :)
Please excuse my dirty lens! 

PS ( Tarin and John, is this your carpet?)


John,Tarin and The Kids said...

Hey sha and family,
I told u that you would see it in a totally different light once the grout was in :)

And as for the carpet i cant see it properly in that pic can you make it bigger pleze

John and Tarin

-Sha said...

I wouldnt say totally different light.. we are still not happy with it, but enough that we will wait now for a little while before retiling lol

we wont be going that carpet now. Our BIL (professional floor coverer and the one who will be laying our carpet) advised against it.. He said it feels like it has 'no guts' to it (his words) and would be hard to lay. The smooth edge will pull right through it and it may be hard to stretch properly. He has given us the number of someone he knows to go and look at samples.. I have to work, so Tim will need to go and bring some home.
joy joy joy!