Monday, February 2, 2009

All we need is a Big Bow!

Tim and I on our new front step

Our house is all wrapped up like a present tonight. The gables have been started and the electrical wires are in place. We have a few problems that we need to speak to 'M' about. We arent sure if they are 'real' problems yet, so until we know more, I wont elaborate here.. One small problem is we have placed our power and aerial points for the tv's in the wrong place (we thought they looked good on the plan lol).. so we are going to ask if we can run some cables now, so we can easily add more once we have handover.
Sorry for the pics.. again it was getting dark before I could get off work.. It is about 40 minute drive out to our new home from my work, (and where we live now), so we will have to start cutting back going out every day. We figure they will lock us out soon, so in the mean time, we are trying to get as many pics and updates as we can :)


1 comment:

John,Tarin and The Kids said...

We are so excited for you guys not long and you will have bricks :)