Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tanks and Poles and Signs

We went to the block today, and first thing we noticed is we have a sign! :) :) I took a pic of Tim pointing at it, cause he was amazed that they printed it up specially for us, with our lot number on it .. hahaha
We also finally managed to get a pic of our water tank.. :) We were wishing we had a shed or other roof hooked up to it, so it would be over flowing now.. ahh well.. its still 3/4 full , as we had a truck bring a load of water in..
We also have a power pole! yayy.. our electrician (B.I.L.) wasnt sure if it would have been installed as we had more rain, and may have been too boggy.. but we do. and it looks fantastic..
I know only 'Homeone' guys will understand my excitement at having a powerpole.. lol
I hope you enjoy the pics.. Oh and I will add a couple of pics of the kids, playing in the dirt of our attempted site scrape... Tim had to get his hand in too! ( biggest kid of all lol)

1 comment:

kexkez said...

yippee to power pole, sign and water tank. Definately under way now.