Its starting to take shape now.. We have had a nightmare of a time over Christmas due to the the rain. As we hadn't had a chance to backfill yet, the water filled up on the outside of the pool, so we had to buy a pump and get it all out, then backfill quickly as more rain was coming.. There has been lots and lots of mud, but it is now finally starting to take shape and look a bit like it's meant to..
We still have to backfill a bit more and the pump is setup only temporary until Tim can concrete around the pool area and build a filter house.. but it works for now..

Pool fence is not yet quite finished yet. Tim still has to cut down the posts to the same level and add some sort of capping to them to stop them rotting from the top.. but isn't it looking great!!
Other than the pool we haven't been doing much over the Christmas break.. we bought a new couch for the family room
and planted some Syzygium australe 'Big Red" to our driveway (which needs mowing after all that rain!).. They grow approx 4m high and spread to 2.5m ( within 10 yrs), but claim to be fast growing. They have the most crimson foliages available with white flowers during summer followed by edible berries.. birds should love them!!

We added a new blind to the kitchen.. and redecorated the entry..
That's it for now..
Catch ya's next time